Tuesday 10 September 2013


I was at a church meeting the other day, and as is the norm (or should be) in church gatherings, there was a lot of praying.  As the speaker proceeded, from a couple of rows behind me, someone threw in the occasional loud "Amen" whenever he found a particular point spiritually agreeable.  I know the guy.  He was at one of the fifty churches I've visited this year and he's a pleasant chap.  Very confident in his faith. We'll call him Trevor

As is also the norm in the church, once you have been to one meeting, you are sooner or later going to find yourself at another meeting.  And normally there are one or two faces from the first meeting at the second.  So at the second meeting, two men from the first meeting came over and we had the "don't I know you from somewhere" conversation.  When the topic of the first meeting came up, one of the men mentioned Trevor and his "Amen's" That was when the second man said to the first that Trevor belonged in the Baptists, not the CofS, to which the first man agreed.  Well I wasn't standing for this.  I flamed them.  I told them in no uncertain terms that we needed more people in the CofS that are so spiritually confident and who are so certain in their faith.  We needed more people who were so outgoing about their Christianity, and that there was nothing worse than a group of dour sounding church members expressing their joy in Christ's saving grace.  We need to be more alive.

And the two men.  One is a Minister, the other I think is a Session Clerk. 

If you find yourself wishing someone would leave the church, I think it's you that has the problem, so you might not want to let the door hit you on the way out.  We should be prayerfully including all comers, and giving welcome to all who wish to join in.

Amen to that.

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