Sunday 21 April 2013

Fifty Acts 35. Up a Close.

"Hello, have you been before?  Would you like a cup of tea?"

So that's two criteria ticked off the list.  Warm welcome and a pleasant brew. 

I've been aware of this church for quite some time, as it's off a close between the high street and a pleasant coffee shop.  I wasn't aware it had been there for so long, as it looks like next year they will celebrate their centenary.  They follow the Brethren tradition of worship, although what that is exactly, I'm yet to find out.  Certainly the service was familiar, with hymns from Mission Praise, Gospel readings and a lesson, this morning from a guest speaker.  As I understand it, there's no minister, as the preachers are drawn from the congregations.

The demographic was broadly similar to that of an average CofS gathering.  Older, with a sprinkling of young families.  What you noticed immediately was the sense of community, with people circulating ad chatting. 

I was feeling a little under-dressed.  Everyone was in their Sunday best.  The women mostly wore hats, and the men were mainly in suits.  I was in my Sunday comfortable, which bears a striking similarity to the rest of my wardrobe.   Besides, I only wear a suit when I'm using the Halo effect to skew a situation in my favour. 

I did get one of my favourite questions this morning.  When you mention a CofS connection, occasionally someone will ask "Oh...  Are you saved?"  Apparently there is a perception that some ministers aren't, although isn't it God that's the judge of all that?  Do people think we're in this gig for the money or something?

I would have liked to have had a bit more time to chat this morning, but after the service, people headed off to the rest of their Sunday. I was asked to their bible study, but unfortunately I had other plans for this evening.  Perhaps that's an act for another time.

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