Thursday 7 March 2013


If I want to know what I'm thinking, I just read a newspaper.  The newspapers know what I'm thinking because there are a number of supposedly Christian organisations that feed them news releases.  And because I'm a Christian, I'm supposed to be in agreement.  So I read the papers to be told what my representatives tell me I am outraged about.  It saves me from working myself into rage and writing my own news releases.

So I went to an event that was run by one of these organisations.  You can't argue with someone until you have heard their point of view, so along I went.  They are telling me that I am supposed to be objecting to gay people getting married.  Apparently that is what all the Christians are talking about.  I need to sign up to their campaign or I'm somewhat less of a Christian.

How can I put this politely...?  Bullshit.

I've been amongst a number of congregations recently, and while the gay thing has occasionally been mentioned, you are more likely to hear things like poverty, food banks, unemployment, and the oppression of Christians worldwide.  If fact, recently, I've been hearing a lot about how churches want to set up food banks to serve the community. The soup kitchen I used to help at had students telling us that this was the only hot meal they got in a week.   A country that has enough cash floating around to build nuclear weapons shouldn't have people living in poverty.

I went through the news feed of one of these organisations that supposedly speaks out on behalf of me for a wide range of Christian issues.  In a totally un-scientific test, I ran their page through a word counter.  Over the past twelve months, porn got mentioned more times than Jesus.  Salmond was more popular than Clegg, Gay topped the list, and God was nowhere to be found. Read into that what you will  

But the whole marriage thing keeps getting kicked around in the press.  The same press that has a poor record when it comes to morality, wants to watch the fallout when we get our drawers in a knot over marriage.

So I sat for an hour being told how I should be telling my MP, MSP, MEP, Councillor, therapist, barman etc why I don't thing gay folk should be married.  I then heard a Q and A session where I was tempted to stand up and flame the audience, but somehow I bit my tongue.  I'm here to observe.  And what I observed was a lot of married people saying how people that want to get married will in some way undermine their own marriage.

Here's the thing.  The only persons that affect your marriage is you and your significant other.  So love the one you are with.  Let them know how much you care (((((hugs Mrs G))))) and let other people do their thing.  Gay people getting married won't stop world huger, won't stop poverty, probably won't help set up a food bank.  But it's not going to build nuclear weapons either.  It's just a couple of folk saying that, yes, they do care about each other.  What's the problem with that?

Now, how do I set up a food bank?

Videos to follow.  Language may not be suitable for work or younger audiences.

Gay Women Will Marry Your Boyfriends

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends

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