Sunday 17 March 2013

Fifty Acts 31. Bringing it all Together

This weekend I left Mrs G nursing two sick gerbils as I went off to conference.  One gerbil has recovered nicely from ear surgery, while the other is on antibiotics for an unrelated belly infection. 

The OLM trainees don't get out to play together that often, so it was good to get together this weekend.  Gartmore House, where we gathered, was once an approved school, so we fitted right in. 

We had daily acts of worship over the weekend, once in the comfy armchairs in the lounge, while another, the act of Communion at the end of the weekend took place in a circle around the conference table.

It's small acts of worship that I seem to get the most out of.  While we learned a lot about team working and personalities, it's the thread of worship that ties the whole lot together and reminds me that, in a couple of years, it's going to be me leading worship.

But regardless how the weekend went, I'm glad to get back to my own bed. 

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