Sunday 21 August 2011

Day Twenty-one

So now we're up to Ezekiel 47.

This takes us past Ezekiel 37 verses 1-14 where the prophet saw the valley of "Dem Bones"

Now hear the word of the Lord!

A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Ray Harryhausen,  I've been a fan of stop motion animation for years, and Ray is the inspiration for many a modern animator, so much so that the bar in Monsters Inc is named after him.

So once you've seen Jason and the Argonauts, the only thing that can possibly enter my head when I hear about the valley of the dry bones, is the scene where the teeth of the Hydra are sown and the skeletal army rises from the ground.  If you've not seen it (where have you been?), please enjoy the following from the film.

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