Monday 25 February 2013

Fifty Acts 29. Please Stop, my Ears are Bleeding.

I would like to think that,  somewhere in the world this morning, someone delivered their entire sermon in the form of a haiku.

That might serve to balance out the forty-seven minute monologue I sat through this morning.

With Powerpoint.


  1. I once sat through a one hour sermon from a guest preacher (I used to belong to a very conservative evangelical congregation). To add insult to injury, at the end of the sermon, they announced that if anyone had been sitting getting restless, or bored, or wondering when it would be over, then we were 'dead in our sins' and didn't truly love God.
    It was the one and only time I couldn't even bring myself to shake hands at the door, I was so angry about it.
    I've also suffered through some seriously bad Powerpoint as well. One slide, in the worst offender, had no fewer than 15 bullet points (sentences actually), all beginning with the letter 'F' to make them memorable - and each bullet point in a different font colour.
    And people wonder sometimes why the church is unappealing!

  2. I'm broadly in favour of projectors as a tool for worship. As long as they don't intrude or take over.

    If it can't be said in 15 minutes, then it's being done wrong.
