Wednesday 6 June 2012

From conference

I can't write.

I have spent so long typing everything that writing is an absolute toil.  The exercises we have to do that involve putting pen to paper are a chore, and I fear that my scrawl is going to count against me.  Every word is an absolute labour and I see that I can type considerably faster than writing.  And the linear thought process that is required to put an idea to the page just doesn't suit me.  Cutting, pasting and inserting is how I live my life.  It must be at least 10 years since I've been expected to write more than a few lines, and these have been strictly for my benefit.

For my final exercise, the staff have very kindly agreed that I can type it up.  You have no idea how much of a relief that is.

All is going well.  All good folk, and it would be great if they all got through. 

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