Wednesday 15 February 2012

Moral Dilema for the Twenty-First Century (Part Two)

Having already discussed the probability that artificial humanoids (AH's) will integrate into congregations at some point in the future, there are other matters that need consideration.  Sooner or later, things are going to reach their natural conclusion and, well it's only natural, I mean we're only human...  Or at least fifty percent of us are mostly human.  What I'm trying to say is....

Is it still adultery if one of the consenting parties is a toaster?*

(Oh this blog is heading downhill)

The dictionary defines adultery as "Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse" so that seems pretty cut and dried. But looking at the same dictionary, it describes sexual intercourse as "coitus between humans."  So if one of the parties is not human, then that must make it all right? 

Humans have proven very good at trying to negotiate get-out clauses for the Ten Commandments since they were carved, smashed and carved again.  So what about this one? 

Well it's all about intent.  Assuming one or both parties has an acceptance and understanding of the laws of society then adultery is wrong.  And don't go blaming the AH for leading you astray.  An AH's innocence of the law does not give the humans a get-out clause.  If you wouldn't commit adultery with a free thinking human, then you shouldn't do it with another life form.

In short, don't do it.     

*Racist term for AH's.  I know, I'll go wash my mouth out and beg forgiveness from the Android Liberation Front.

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