Sunday 30 March 2014

Last day

Today was the last (Sun)day of my placement which ends officially tomorrow.  It's been an odd time for me, as while I am expected to do three hours a week plus a Sunday, my unemployment has meant that I have been able to drop in on more things than would be expected of me.

There isn't much that has went on in the life of the church that I have not had some involvement in.  I have missed out on the Messy Church, which is actually one of their growth areas.  \the rest of the events in the church I have enjoyed being a part of.

Six months has meant that I have been able to observe the dynamics of church life.  Who is friends with whom, who is the person that empowers everyone, and who is the person that will moan and be a negative influence on any project.  Somewhere in the middle of all this, the minister has to work between the various factions.  I've seen how the silliest things can be blown up out of all proportion, while major change can just happen without having any conflict.

It's been a friendly congregation, and the group that I will miss the most is the children.  I have went from being the scary tall bloke to being someone that they chat about cartoons with.  The come over and show me what they have done in Sunday School, and it's all big smiles and waving at me wehn they come and go. 

So today they presented me with a lovely home communion set. It's unfortunate that I'm not officially allowed to use it for another 18 months, but who knows, it might get an airing...

So that's one placement down, and who knows, I may even have another placement t start soon...

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