Friday 1 November 2013

Life/Lives Balance

Yesterday's post was a right ray of fracking sunshine, wasn't it?  So first of all, thanks to JohnO and Nik for their wise advice which appears in the comments to that post.

Thanks are also due to the family from yesterdays service who emailed my supervisor with her thanks for the service and said:

"I would also please like you to thank [spot] ( oh I hope I have gotten his name right ) for his contribution to the service...I have no doubt he will make a wonderful Minister too." 

It was a nice lift to find this in my mailbox when I got up this morning.

I think my problem yesterday was that I wrote this post when I was in a pretty dark place.   What you read was the outpouring caused by a mix of ministry work and real life.  Rather than thinking about funerals, I should have went and worked on the bike, or played spot the appendage on snapshot Serengeti, or done something secular, and possibly even sacrilegious.  In fact I did try.  Yesterday afternoon I spent time in a brewery where, according to Session records, the former minister of one of the churches I have spoken in actually banned the brewers from stirring their beer on the sabbath. 

So I need to be caring, then be able to find my own space and care for myself.


  1. A pleasure to contribute.
    And I think you've identified something crucial in your (indeed, any) ministry and self-understanding - the need to do something in order to deal with the things which leave you drained (and recognising what it is that drains you).
    I get the sense that my reply, along with Nik's, 'bracket' the issue - preparation, then dealing with the effect. Knowing your own needs in both areas will be a big part of shaping your own ministry and maintaining your own well-being.
    Every blessing.

  2. I've been in same dark place we all go through it and I was always grateful and encouraged by you and the missus last year when I ranted on here! And gratefully receive your words of encouragement. OLM may seem far off but it'll be on you before you know it! In the meantime like Jon o says take time out! You need to look after you ( no one else will) and gang on in there. Praying for you both
