Monday 23 July 2012

The Right Sort of People

I need to go meet the right sort of people.  By the right sort of people, I don't mean the "right" sort of people that every church seems to be full of.  No, by the right sort of people, I actually mean the sort of people that the "right" sort of people may consider to be the "wrong" sort of people.

Because if the "right" sort of people want to really be the right sort of people, then they need to seek out the "wrong" sort of people.  Only then can we be considered righteous, right?

In not quite so many words, I told a friend that they would do well to hang around with the wrong sort of people.  Apparently I'll be in trouble with their mother should this advice ever get back to her.  Ooops.

Luke 19:2-10 tells of Jesus visiting with a fraudulent tax collector.  The people grumbled about the company Jesus was keeping.  The reason Jesus was there wasn't so Jesus could take lessons in embezzlement, but rather so that Zacchaeus could be a changed man.

Because Jesus' message needs to go to all people, not just the selected few.



  1. Yip, Jesus didn't tell the disciples to bring the world to the church, He told them to take the church to the world!
