Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A dark spell

Not blogged for a while.  This is a bad sign.

I entered a sort of dark period a few weeks ago.  Much the same way that I felt I was being called to the OLM, I had a similarly strong feeling telling me to get out.  I wasn't sure I was up to carrying out the role of an OLM, and I felt I was wasting everyone's time.  Coupled with a very busy period for myself anf Mrs G, and i felt I should try to get out.

The feeling has sort of passed.  It's still there in the background, and while I'm not ignoring it, I'm not worrying about it either.  I'm carrying on with the original position of throwing my everything into the enquiry process and getting something out of it.  If I'm accepted to go on to conference, fine.  If not, I'll find something else.  Thy Will Be Done etc.

It's a sort of confidence thing....


I was writing this post when Mrs G told me of someone suggesting that OLM's were interfering with their call.  Suggesting perhaps that OLM's had a lesser call.

Up yours pal.

It's not your call, it's God's call and everyone he calls will do their part for His kingdom.  We won't be set against each other.  All the ministers I've spoken to have said they and their congregations would welcome an OLM helping them out and would support OLM's working in their parish.  OLM's are not "Diet Coke ministers" (one calorie, not quite the whole minister) and they will have to work hard to fit ministry alongside their working lives.  I'm not doing this because i want to, but because I think I'm being called to.

So I wish you well in your calling.  I hope to work with you in the future.

And thanks for your anti-OLM comments.  You've peeved me enough to throw myself into this, just out of principle.  Suddenly I'm feeling invigorated.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Would Jesus be welcome?

Racism sucks.

Short version.  Mixed race couple aren't allowed to marry in the church she has went to for years. Quote:

"Parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions, with the exception being funerals"

It gets better:

"This recommendation is not intended to judge the salvation of anyone, but is intended to promote greater unity among the church body and the community we serve"

Greater unity?

Permitting funerals probably means that the problem eventually goes away... This is the sort of balatant, backwards racism, where the choir should wear white robes with pointy hats, and the cross outside should be burning.  

Has anyone ever pointed out to these half-wits that all those biblical characters that you claim to love, were all from the Middle East?  We don't know what the cast of the Testaments looked like, but if you ignore medieval church art, there's little or no chance they were as white as this Gerbil's knees. 

If Jesus came knocking on the door, would you let him in?

So you want to work In Cheltenham

From the BBC today, GCHQ has laid down a challenge to codebreakers in order to raise its profile and attract new staff.  The website, invites you to break a code, in theory leading you on to another page  where you can apply for a job .

And then once you've got your head around all those numbers (is that hex I see before me?),  the lucky winner gets presented with this page...

Yes, that is a screenshot of the real page. I would have carried on with the application process, but I'm still trying to get my head around the Kirk enquiry process.  And while it's a nice place to visit, I'm not too sure I want to live in Cheltenham.  If GCHQ wants to get in touch, you already know where I work.  (Sorry chaps, I cheated.)

Things that I learned today...

GCHQ's enquiry process is harder that the C of S.

Q would probably frown on Bond using Google...